Cyber Security





Cybersecurity Posture Assessment

Maturity Level Assessment

3rd party Risk Assessment

Gap Analysis Assessment

Vulnerability Assessment

IAm Assessment (Identity Access Management)

Asset Assessment

Risk Assessment

Threat intelligence Assessment

NIST CSF 2.0 Assessment

Vendor Questionnaire Assessment

Privacy Impact Assessment

Data Privacy Impact Assessment

What is your Cyber Security Posture?

Cyber Security

Book Services


Mary Wali

GRC Consultant

I help businesses stay safe!

How well are you protecting your assets?

Who is routinely checking compliance and ​monitoring your system?

What controls do you have in place?

What are your authorization methods?

Where are you Vulnerable at?

What Preventive measures do you take?

How is data guarded and do you check?

Who is monitoring the data?

Is everyone following requirements?

Do you have detective and recovery plans ​in place?

Have you categorized, classified and ​evaluated all your assets?

Have you done an analysis?

What governance framework do you follow?

What risk are you willing to accept?

Is the risk worth your reputation or fine ?

I help small businesses stay safe.

Contact me today
